Home / Meet Bettina from the Mental Wealth Academy

Meet Bettina from the Mental Wealth Academy

Bettina is wearing glasses and has dark hair, she shares how important building trust during wellbeing support sessions.

The Mental Wealth Academy is a partnership programme that offers non-clinical support to 16-25-year-olds experiencing mild-moderate mental health needs. The support on offer is based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and solution focussed therapy (SFT), which are delivered by a team of Transitional Wellbeing Practitioners.

Here, Bettina shares three fun facts about herself and tells us why she’s so passionate about helping young people.

Hi, I’m Bettina, a Transitional Wellbeing Practitioner based at Response, one of the seven organisations that form the Mental Wealth Academy.

I used to work for Response Adult Services as a Mental Health Support Worker before transitioning to the Children and Young People Department.

Previously, I lived in Staffordshire and studied Counselling and Psychotherapy. I worked in various helping roles while studying, including retirement homes and special needs settings.

“The key areas I enjoy supporting young people in are self-esteem, setting healthy boundaries, goal planning; and managing stress and anxiety. ”

Bettina, Transitional Wellbeing Practitioner, Mental Wealth Academy

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen in Neuroscience. I then spent one year volunteering in two developing countries, before coming back to the UK to begin my master’s degree.

I’m originally from Hungary, but I left at the age of 18 after finishing high-school. I go back home often, as I miss being around my family!

I wanted to work for the Mental Wealth Academy because I love working in one-to-one helping roles and listening to people.

I particularly enjoy working with young people, as I feel it is a significant life stage in which people might need extra support with all the changes that are happening to them biologically, emotionally, and practically.

Bettina has dark hair and wears glasses

Three fun facts about me:

I did two years of volunteering in three different countries: Cyprus, the Philippines and Ukraine.

I’m learning how to play the ukulele by using YouTube videos.

I love Bubble Tea!

The key areas I enjoy supporting young people in are self-esteem, setting healthy boundaries, goal planning; and managing stress and anxiety.

The best thing about the support we offer is that it is tailored to the individual and takes place over 12 weeks. We have time to get to know one another and build that trust, which is a crucial part of any helping relationship.

“Young people should get in touch with us because we can work through difficulties together. We can support you with your wellbeing in many different areas, including; emotional health, sleep hygiene, relationship difficulties, career goals and healthy coping skills for stress and anxiety.”

Bettina, Transitional Wellbeing Practitioner, Mental Wealth Academy

We’re proud of the positive outcomes that we see among the young people we work with. Each young person sets their own pace, so that they can explore wellbeing topics on their own terms. 

If you’re a young person aged 16-25 experiencing mild-moderate mental health concerns or a family member who would like to support them, please get in touch with the Mental Wealth Academy, and we can arrange for one of our team to call you back.